The U.S. Military developed a method in their canine program for early neurological stimulation. Based on years of research, they learned that early neurological stimulation exercises could have important and lasting effects.
In modern day, this same methodology has been incorporated into the latest puppy development programs, and many breeders are seeing the benefits. At Black Creek Doodles, we perform early neurological stimulation on all of our puppies from days 3-16.
It is believed that because the early days of a puppy's life is a period of rapid neurological growth and development, the program has optimal effect between 3 and 16 days old.
The workout involves handling puppies once each day, performing a series of five exercises.
Early Neurological Stimulation for puppies improves the development of the puppies' neurological systems by early stimulation and stress. Five benefits have been observed in dogs that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:
Early Neurological Stimulation is performed in addition to socialization and handling, and helps our puppies to get an even better start in their early development. Below are the five exercises designed to stimulate the neurological system of a newborn puppy.
Contact: Jordan Morse | Black Creek Doodles | Richmond, VA | Email us:
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